
Oxycodone/Roxicodone-Cecil County's Popular Street Drug

Posted by Thomas Brown | Feb 02, 2010 | 0 Comments

Roxicodone, a variation of Oxycodone, is fast becoming Cecil County's most popular street drug .  Oxycodone is a narcotic prescribed to relieve pain and is twice as potent as morphine.  There are many variations of Oxycodone products on the market, but OxyContin and Roxicodone, in 15mg and 30mg tablets, seem to be used and abused most frequently in Cecil County.  

The use of these drugs takes many forms and it is reportedly crushed  and then snorted or injected to relieve pain, alleviate withdrawal symptoms and to gain euphoric effects.  As prescribed, OxyContin sell for $4.00 per tablet and depending on the market, the street value is $1.00 per milligram, making a 40 mg. tablet $40.  Roxicodone ("Roxys") reportedly sell for $15-$20 for a 30mg tablet in Cecil County, MD. 

If you have been charged with possession or sale of Roxicodone/Oxycondone, call Elkton drug defense lawyer, C. Thomas Brown. 

About the Author

Thomas Brown

Mr. Brown has been a trial attorney for his entire legal career. He appears in court on a daily basis representing criminal defendants in trials, preliminary hearings, violation of probation and bail reviews in District and Circuit Court. In addition to his extensive jury trial experience in Ceci...


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