With the recent appointment of new judges coupled with the election of a new State's Attorney in Cecil County, MD, sentences for DUI/DWI have dramatically changed with harsher outcomes. First offender defendants have become accustomed to a Probation Before Judgment ("PBJ") disposition with a fine only with no probation..but take notice..that is no longer the norm. Supervised probation, lengthy treatment programs and incarceration are in play in every case.
Upon conviction, the local judges in Elkton, MD uniformly require supervised probation and the State opposes PBJ until the completion of probation and an alcohol program. Repeat offenders or even first offenders involved in an accident or other aggravating circumstances should expect much harsher treatment by the Courts.
If you have been charged with DUI/DWI you need an experienced and aggressive criminal lawyer Cecil County DUI defense lawyer. Now is not the time to hire just any lawyer when your employment, license and freedom are in jeopardy. Please call or email and I will be happy to discuss your situation.
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